Sunday, December 10, 2006

So long...

...and thanks for all the fish? No, my dear readers, just an announcement that I shan't be updating for the rest of the Nativity season. We have two weeks to go, and spending this holy time away from my "electronic mistress" seems to be appropriate.

I will, however, take this brief moment to say thank you to the Lord and His faithful servant St. Herman of Alaska (click the pic and read that scroll to get the gist of that guy's life) for bringing about a better-than-anticipated church school session today: the life of "the North Star" St. Herman (read it if you dare or have lots of time) tied in with the guiding star of Bethlehem, and how we can be guiding stars for those around us to bring them to Christ and salvation in His Church (joined together w/a look at the Sermon on the Mount for a picture of what it means to love God and neighbor, like St. Herman strove to do and we must strive to do). Sometimes things just fall into place. God be praised. Holy St. Herman, pray for us.

So adieu for now; God bless...may God grant you all a fruitful remainder of the fast and a joyous-- joyous!--celebration of His Incarnation.


Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

God bless you!
I read your conversion testimony on your blog after you posted on mine. Boy what a great journey!. I had a similar journey from charismatic to Roman Catholic.
Your writing was very clear and your distillation of the doctrines of the Church Fathers was great!
I hope to borrow it sometime for my blog sometime.
The Eucharist is the center of our lives now!

Mimi said...

...and thanks for all the fish?

Oh, bwahahahahahahahaha! I so get the reference.

May you have a restful continued Nativity Fast and I look forward to saying Christ is Born!