"Above everything we begin to move our Christian life out of the realm of abstraction and into the realm of living. We pray rather than think about prayer. We trust God rather than discussing the concept of trusting God. We act on the basis of faith rather than spending time talking about the importance of faith. We make every effort to embrace God as good and at work in all things."

So, to close out, I wish all of my brothers and sisters in the Lord a happy feastday -- Sprazdnikom! -- and may the Lord Jesus Christ our God, through the prayers of His most holy mother, have mercy on us all and save us.
From tonight's vespers:
"In giving birth you preserved your virginity.
In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos.
You were translated to life O Mother of Life,
and by your prayers you deliver our souls from death."
In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos.
You were translated to life O Mother of Life,
and by your prayers you deliver our souls from death."
"Come, O people, let us sing today to Christ our God a song of David!
'The virgins that follow her,' he said, 'shall be brought to the King.
With joy and gladness shall they be brought.'
For she, through whom we have been made Godlike,
is of the seed of David,
and gloriously and ineffably commends herself
into the hands of her own Son and Master.
Praising her as the Mother of God we cry out to her and say:
'Save us from all distress and tribulation, for we confess you to be the Theotokos!'"
'The virgins that follow her,' he said, 'shall be brought to the King.
With joy and gladness shall they be brought.'
For she, through whom we have been made Godlike,
is of the seed of David,
and gloriously and ineffably commends herself
into the hands of her own Son and Master.
Praising her as the Mother of God we cry out to her and say:
'Save us from all distress and tribulation, for we confess you to be the Theotokos!'"
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who hopeth in Him!
Pray for me.
You have my prayers. Please remember me also.
And thank you: your blog was informative, entertaining and challenging to a newly-Chrismated Orthodox, still finding his way after many years. And it was wonderful to share the joys of your family life also. I am thankful and appreciative for all the work you did put in. God willing, I may even get to Texas one day and meet you in a parish.
A blessed Feast Day to you and your family. In Christ and in prayer,
Well, you'll be missed. 'Twas nice splitting the blogosphere witcha. But you know what they say - this place ain't big enuff fer the tew of us.
And a final word verification: mdunwho
God bless you in your departure and may he continue to form you into his image and likeness. I've enjoyed your writing and it will be missed.
You have been a blessing to me these years, my prayers with you and I pray that we keep in touch.
Happy Feast DAy!
Dr. Clark Carlton's podcast hit me between the eyes (or in the gut), too, and I even made a blog post about it: Dr. Clark Carlton on "The Tragedy of Dogma"
I suspect you can guess which part of his talk impacted me.
I'll sure miss checking in here every day or so, but I understand completely. My advice is to take a nice, long sabbatical, and then consider coming back. This site has been a blessing to me, and I hope we can keep in touch.
What, now I have to have actual audible conversations to check up on you and yours? Not my favorite way of communicating, but it'll have to do I guess.
So, ... You chickening out already?
The blogosphere will be less than it is without you in it. I guess my blog has by default rather than on purpose taken somewhat of a haitus while I try to BE amid the frenzy that is life and relationships. Of course you COULD just blog about less heady and dogmatical stuff and just post pictures of your kids and their birthday parties etc. Like that's unimportant stuff.... :) Anyway, don't be a total "digital stranger".
God bless you, David. Vaya con Dios.
Boy am I glad I found you on here! It's DonVa (from TAW). Glad to see that you're still writing, and that you're doing well!
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