Friday, September 23, 2005


An older post of James' reminded me of the Evangelical bumper sticker I used to like:

"In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned."

Now I'd like one like this:

"In case of rapture, can I have your car?"


existentialist said...

Hi dear, how are you. Thought I would drop a line. So you are in TX? In the hurricane's path?

Paige said...

I've seen both those bumper stickers. I once had an elaborate practical joke planed involving the spare clothes I keep in my car that I was going to enact if I ever ended up parked next to one of those "soon to be unmanned" cars. Sadly, the opportunity never presented itself. I probalby would've chickened out anyway.

Fr. David said...

Olympiada! So nice to see you! No, we're not in the hurricane's path; by the time it gets to us tonight it'll be a lesser storm; we'll get some wind, that's about it.

Paige: Aw, come've gotta fill me in now...what's the deal with the joke?!

Rhology said...

Dude, you haven't seen those bumper stickers like a million times already? They're as numerous as the dumb Darwin-fish (w/ legs).

So, it's been done.

Mimi said...

I'm hopeful you've made it through the hurricane ok!

Every time I see those bumper stickers, not only do I think of the bad theology in them, but of the lack of humility.

Fr. David said...


nah, haven't seen 'em myself; only heard about 'em.

And have you seen the TRUTH fish swallowing the Darwin-legs one? One wonders what'll come next...

Rhology said...

Yeah, seen the truth-fish-swallows Darwin.
Honestly, though, the Darwin people started that one.
So the next one could be Richard-Dawkins-bludgeoning-the-truth-fish-swallowing-the-Darwin-fish.

That would work.

Munkee said...

Classic Bryan.