Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Ark

The Ark, the third venture of Orthodox Christians into online, 24-hour radio broadcasting, is set to be unveiled tomorrow. Look for the link to appear in what's now just a picture in my sidebar. Barnabas has blogged about it here--as well he should, seeing as how he's the development director for it--it will feature contemporary Orthodox musicians (!), something which I'm rather undecided on, for two reasons:

1) I have been, by and large, disillusioned by CCM during my days as an Evangelical. Either it's "Jesus is my boy/girlfriend" stuff or (musically speaking) cheap knockoffs of non-religious stuff with sub-par, canned lyrics. Blecchh.

2) I'm not sure what contemporary Orthodox music would be like. Yes, I've heard of Arvo Part, though I've not looked up any of his stuff. I've heard mixed reviews of him anyways...and St. Romanos Records has some audio clips of some of the artists, but, without naming names...well...perhaps they could have (I certainly hope they COULD, in fact, have) done a better job in choosing which songs they highlighted for certain artists. I hope my fears will be joyously proven wrong.

I certainly want to think that the Ark will provide us with quality, thoughtful, creatively-composed music with poetic lyrics that lift us up through (and thereby baptizing) the medium of our culture's contemporary musical expressions. May God grant this.

UPDATE: The link for Come Receive the Light is now OCN -- The Orthodox Christian Network, and that page now includes both CRtL and The Ark. Let me know what y'all think! I'm listening now...


Stephen said...

And what do you think of the Ark, may I ask? I've been trying to listen myself, but my Mac didn't come with window's mediaplayer, and the downloaded version doesn't want to work on my computer. Still am curious though as to what the Ark is like.

Fr. David said...

Mmm...I think I'm too sensitive to the whole "CCM is associated with my former religious life" to really get into some of what's played on the Ark. We sang "Breathe"--the song is covered by Michael W. Smith on the Ark--in chapel services at ORU, and it's an example I always referred to as being something inconsistent with what I actually knew to be true within my own life--I am not, in reality, *desperate* for God as the song's chorus claims, and saying that I am is dishonest. Better, rather, to pray as the Orthodox Church does, "Lord, have mercy"...this is a much more honest take on our walk with Christ, echoing as it does the faith of the father of the boy possessed by a demon of muteness: "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

I have, however, enjoyed being exposed to contemporary Orthodox artists, for better or for worse, and the more traditional Orthodox chant is always refreshing.

Time, I think, is needed for the Ark to find its place. Blessed be God that the folks in OCN are at least doing something--and that at a very professional level!--to bring Orthodoxy to this multimedia generation and culture!

quijotefan83 said...

I haven't heard Contemporary Greek Orthodox Christian Music ;) , but I sincerely hope it is nothing like CCM. I just cannot listen to that music anymore. I'm sure they have good inentions, but... urgh... that music just grates on me. It's gotten so bad that I have trouble sitting through any "contemporary" services. When I walk into a church with a functioning and much-used organ, and a choir box, I must admit I breathe a sigh of relief.

I am curious though what "classical" Greek music would sound like though. Any links for that?

Fr. David said...

QF -- you can check out Ancient Faith Radio, which (among other things) plays traditional Russian and Greek/Arab Orthodox chant.

Rhology said...

--I am not, in reality, *desperate* for God as the song's chorus claims, and saying that I am is dishonest. Better, rather, to pray as the Orthodox Church does, "Lord, have mercy"...this is a much more honest take on our walk with Christ,

>>Good call. Indeed.

Contemporary Greek Orthodox Christian Music... CGOCM. Sounds like sthg my baby daughter might say right after a good feeding...