Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Three's a good number.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, my wife, Audra and I celebrate the third anniversary of our union in marriage. These have been undoubtedly the three best years of my life, no comparison. She has taught me more about myself than I ever thought was even out there...some stuff I didn't, at first, want to know...but she is, indeed, perfect for me. Thank you, O Lord, for my wife.

I got her some comfy sandals to help with the burden of carrying herself and (please-God-let-it-be-)soon-arriving child. She would probably prefer an early onset of labor.

We commemorate the glorification of St. John of Kronstadt today -- you can see a summary of his life here, at a page for his repose though the OCA website -- a wonderful, loving saint to watch over us and help us as we work together to achieve theosis.

Holy St. John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us, Peter and Natalya!


Joshua said...

Happy belated anniversary!

Ecgbert said...

Happy anniversary!

But St John of Kronstadt seems an odd choice to ask to bless one's marriage.

He is, though, a good patron for homosexuals desiring to live chastely and be made holy.

The circumstances of his marriage were, to say the least, odd. To be a parish priest in late 19th-century Russia one had to be married so ordinand John Sergeyev did that, but didn't tell the poor girl until after the wedding that he didn't intend for it to be a full marriage, physically speaking.

They say that you can go to hell imitating the faults of the saints!